welcome, randos!

These are some songs I wrote. If ya dig, let me know.


itsjustrand is the artist project of Rand (not Randy, just Rand) Walter, a songwriter, producer, and working musician from Nashville, TN. Approaching a decade now, this project has weathered multiple existential crises, much like the artist himself. Some of this comes through in the songs, particularly in debut LP, Space Age, released in the fall of 2022. These days, itsjustrand is on the tail end of the Seasonal Menu release cycle, having put out a song every month since last September. These new songs examine love, grief, death, new life, regret, and coming to grips with disappointing realities. Oh, and drinkin’ and dancin’. We all contain multitudes, after all. And there’s plenty more on the way. Come for the bops, stay for the exvangelical think-pieces. 


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